Saturday, January 31, 2009

More Hopey Changey Goodness

Connect the dots:

Obama Calls Bonuses Shameful
Personally, I think bailing out these companies is what's shameful. Show me anywhere in Article I, or Article II where we have granted the federal government the power to do this. You remember the Constitution; that pesky little document that We the People signed on to limiting the powers of the federal government to those expressly granted to it and reserving all others to the states or the people?

New York City Budget Cuts
You see, when the folks that receive those large bonuses don't get them, the .gov doesn't get to take any taxes from them. That means that all those "little people" the .gov supposedly care about won't be getting the services they expect, and the workers who would have provided those services will be looking for work.

Citigroup Cancels Jet
No we can't let ourselves appear as anything other than egalitarian. We won't talk about the Speaker's travel arrangements. That wouldn't be polite.

Want another example of what happens when you demonize spending money? The people who depend on that money for their livelihoods don't have their jobs.
Cessna Layoffs

It is long past the time for the government of this country to get the hell out of the way. They cause the mess, and then try to convince people that they're the only ones able to fix it. They can't. Ever.

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