For one person alone to have the Government of a people in his hands, would be too great a Temptation. It tends to excite and draw forth the Pride of a man, to make him unsufferably haughty; it gives him too much liberty to exert his corruptions and it encourages him to become a Tyrant and an oppressor, to dispense with Laws and break the most solemn oaths. -- John Barnard, 1746
Sound like anything out of the news these days? H/T Instapundit
“When did it become the government’s job to intervene in the bankruptcy process to move junior creditors who belong to favored political constituencies to the front of the line? Leave aside the moral point that these people lent money under a given set of rules, and now the government wants to intervene in our extremely well-functioning (and generous) bankruptcy regime solely in order to save a favored Democratic interest group. No, leave that aside for the nonce, and let’s pretend that the most important thing in the world, far more interesting than stupid concepts like the rule of law, is saving unions. What do you think this is going to do to the supply of credit for industries with powerful unions?” -- Megan McArdle
Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that our President is completely and utterly craven?
I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that in the best case scenario, we are in for a 30's type depression. You really don't want to know what I think is likely.
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