Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm Just a Guy

If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, isn't it implicit that the government cannot have more rights than those conferring those powers? If that's the case, would someone please explain to me why it's permissible to coerce labor from one group of people to "invest" in firms they would not otherwise invest, or to pay the mortgages of people to whom they shouldn't have been given in the first place? Why is it necessary to have the productive work at the behest of the unproductive, dishonest, stupid or lazy (and here I'm just talking about Congress)? And if you say, but Captain, no one's coercing labor, I would ask you where you thought the money came from.

I am not an anarchist. I'm just a guy who sees his house being reassessed upward in a down market, feeling he's being played for a chump, and expecting his already 28% federal tax burden to go up shortly, his retirement income to disappear, and the .gov to further trample his rights as a free-born American. I'm just a guy who wants to be able to take care of himself and his family and who doesn't appreciate the government making that harder. I want to be able to choose my own doctor and insurance company without having to worry about some bureaucrat deciding I can't be treated cost-effectively. I want to be able to freely invest my money in companies without worrying about whether the government is going to decide that company loses because its competition is better connected politically. I'm just a guy that doesn't want to worry about going to the bank for a car loan and getting a different interest rate for a car from a company the government has a stake in as one for a car from a company that isn't on the dole because the government owns the bank too. I'm just a guy that wants to compete for work on my own merits without having to worry about whether the competition belongs to some "preferred" group. I'm just a guy that doesn't understand why it's fair for someone's tax rate to depend on how much money they make. I'm just a guy that wants his grandkids to live in a free country without having to pay for debts my generation saddled them with.

The Constitution that I swore an oath to defend is being shredded, and I'm not a happy camper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you found the golden fleece. Unfortunately, the gold isn't for you or me. It's a secret that seems to be invisible to lots of hope seekers. I like your style. Rusty.