Sunday, October 5, 2008

I Fear for the Republic

I've often told my children that our country can survive any president. I'm no longer so sure of that. While I'll never forgive John McCain for the unconstitutional assault on free speech that is McCain-Feingold, the Obama campaign has shown a predilection for far worse.

With Obama we have a candidate whose campaign has marshaled "truth squads" to threaten its opponents with the power of the state in Missouri, has repeatedly asked its supporters to shout down its opposition, and has asked the Justice Department to prosecute those with whom it disagrees. All of this when presented with opposition claims that are demonstrably true. An Obama administration would also be likely to reinstate the so-called "fairness doctrine." So much for the first amendment.

We also have in Obama a candidate who claims to believe that the second amendment secures an individual right to keep and bear arms, yet believes that it's perfectly alright for city and state governments to abrogate those rights, as if one's constitutional rights depend upon where one resides. Further, he's served on the board of directors of the avowedly anti-gun Joyce Foundation. In the past, he's supported complete bans on the sales of semi-automatic firearms, and bans on the sale of ammunition capable of penetrating body armor. The former would ban my Ruger 10/22 .22LR, and two of my sporting shotguns. The latter would ban virtually every deer rifle. He also favors bans on "assault weapons" although there is absolutely no difference in function or mechanics between a non-assault weapon Saiga and an evil assault weapon semi-auto AK clone with military style furniture.

With all of the above, we also see daily assertions that to disagree with Obama is inherently racist. We also see virtually every major media organization in the nation not only biased in favor of Obama, but actively discouraging stories which might harm him. How else to explain the lack of interest in his ties to radicals, his acceptance of huge donations from FannieMae and FreddieMac, and his history of hardball Chicago-style machine politics?

Finally, we have a developing cult of personality that has countless images of the candidate surrounded by halos, or looking beatifically upward, and that demands nothing, while offering only "hope" and "change" and chants "yes we can" while never quite explaining what might be hoped for, what changes might be expected, and what deeds accomplished.

With all of that, this needs no further comment: