Friday, April 17, 2009


Where to begin? The One continued his worldwide apology tour with stops in Mexico City and Trinidad this week. While he's been out of town, his crew managed to insinuate that pretty much all conservatives and libertarians are potential "right-wing terrorists" and proved his education bona fides by teaching real terrorists worldwide how to resist our interrogation techniques. Not to worry though, I'm sure those of us still breathing after the attacks will feel better because we'll be saving the planet by being taxed for the privilege. Mustn't pollute the environment with that deadly CO2 we all exhale.

Not to be outdone by the underlings, he promised the President of Mexico that we'd register all to pesky guns up el Norte way and make sure to license all the bitter clingers. Speaking of folks clinging to their God, we can eliminate the Jesuits from the list since they were only too happy to cover up references to their namesake for the One. Moving on to the Caribean, our master signed up for Dictatorial Socialism 101 with Hugo Chavez and visiting professors Raul and Fidel Castro.

I feel so much better with all this change going around. Don't you?

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