"As long as you've got this incredible number of poor people and the risks are relatively small, there's really no way in my view to control it unless you get something on land that begins to change the equation for these kids."Mr. Secretary, let me remind you, because you seem to have forgotten, IT'S YOUR JOB to ensure the risks are NOT relatively small.
You might also want to spend just a wee bit of time learning the history of the Navy you purport to lead. Here's a hint from the Naval Act of 1794:
Whereas the depredations committed by the Algerine corsairs on the commerce of the United States render it necessary that a naval force should be provided for its protection:Finally, since the Commander in Chief seems a little confused about the powers routinely granted naval officers without need of further authorization, here's article 0920 of the Naval Regulations:
0920. Protection of Commerce of tbe United States.These were not "kids" and the only therapy needed is swift retribution. If your administration can't handle it, get the boss to ask Congress for a letter of Marque and Reprisal to Blackwater/Xe and let them deal with it on contract.
Acting in conformity with international law and treaty obligations, the senior officer present shall protect, insofar as lies within his or her pawer, all commercial craft of the United States in their lawful occupations.
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