Friday, April 3, 2009

A Little Matter of a Revolution

Just a quick note: our apologist-in-chief is bowing to the man responsible for the following (via NR (subscription required))
Our great friends the Saudis have a way of setting the highest standards of cruelty. In the city of Jeddah, an unmarried woman of 23 was abducted and gang-raped. Finding that she was then pregnant, she desperately tried to have an abortion. Brought to court, she explained what had happened, whereupon the judge ruled that she had committed adultery. Result: a sentence of one year in prison, and a hundred lashes once she has had the child.

A more astute student of history than that exposing his ignorance with his ass above would remember the words of Thomas Paine, "All hereditary government is in its nature tyranny." We fought for such ideals once.

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