Thursday, April 16, 2009

What's it all About?

Glenn says it well.

Adding a bit more to yesterday's item on the local Tea Party, the local county chairman of the Republican Party showed up to defend our own congressman, Doc Hastings, and I have to say, he was the perfect caricature of a Republican pol. Overweight, untucked shirt, and a lousy suit, telling people that work for a living why they should support the one guy who might have done something as the chairman of the House Ethics Committee to prevent the Republican melt-down in '06.

Doc could have spoken out and named names like Duke Cunningham, demonstrating that Republicans won't stand for corruption. Instead, not a word on national tv when Charlie Rangel can get in front of a microphone or camera on a daily basis.

I've got to tell you, I agree with Doc on a lot of issues, but when it mattered, he let us down and if I thought I had a snowball's chance in hell, I'd give him a primary challenge myself.

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